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The Shine Sparkle Slay Story

We are obsessed with empowering everyone to push themselves into whatever they want to excel at! Whether you are a side-hustling Solopreneur, an overachieving stay-at-home mom looking to add back some sass, or someone whose looking to reinvent your life, Shine Sparkle Slay is about all things “Get up and #SLAY!

The Shine Sparkle Slay Story

I am passionate, and I have a strong belief that when people come together, incredible things can happen. Therefore, grab a glass of wine and get comfortable as I walk you through how Shine Sparkle Slay came about.

From the outside, people may think that I have it all together. I am married to the most amazing husband that a girl could ever dream of having. I also have three absolutely amazing kids that are turning out to be amazing adults with hearts of gold, a zest for life, and a drive that makes this momma's heart incredibly happy.

Sounds pretty amazing, right? I do feel incredibly blessed for where we are today. However, life has not always been unicorns and rainbows. I won't get into all of the details, but can summarize by saying that there has been a lot of money spent and time on the couch with a therapist to get me through some pretty intense things that life threw my way.

I embrace the hardships in life and the work that it took to undo a lot of the damage, as had this not been my journey, I may not be where I am today nor have the insights to be able to help others - at the end of the day, this is my ultimate passion in life.

Why Now?

I have spent the last 15 years in the Corporate world as a Leader in various organizations. Through this work I have been able to tap into my passion of helping others and up until recently this fulfilled my needs.

At the start of 2021, I began dabbling in a side hustle and this is what changed the game for me! Through this work I consistently had people, most that I didn't even know personally, message me indicating things such as  "I really needed to see what you posted today" or even ask for advice, which was incredibly humbling considering I was a complete stranger. I have to attribute my new life adventures to them as they are the ones that INSPIRED me to get out of my comfort zone and start living my best life by doing work that I'm most passionate about - which is helping others to embrace their uniqueness, build up their confidence, and SLAY!

What Do I Want to Achieve With Shine Sparkle Slay

During the most challenging times in my life, there were days when having a friend, a cheerleader to push me forward, or having a friend remind me that "this too shall pass" was sometimes all that was needed.

Through Shine Sparkle Slay, I want to be that cheerleader for you and can promise you that this will be the most unique boutique that you have ever been a part of. What makes it so unique - because it began with heart; simply stated.

The Shine Sparkle Slay Name

The Shine Sparkle Slay brand was born from life experiences that shaped who I am. We all have much more in common than we realize and our challenges, struggles and perseverance are sources of strength and empowerment for others "going through it" right now.

The Shine Sparkle Slay brand is a reflection of major turning points in my life that fostered my growth as a mom, wife and individual. Here's a summary of my thoughts on these phases and what they each mean to me.

I had physically removed myself from toxic situations. I had work to do on myself, but I was free! Depression, anxiety, no self-worth, no confidence, etc. were my struggles to overcome at this time, but through support and hard work, I began to SHINE!

I put in that work, girl! It wasn't easy, but I did it…


Not only did I address the above, but I also went on to fulfill a lifelong dream of something I never thought possible, I earned my Bachelors Degree in Business Management, at the age of 37, while working full-time and raising 3 amazing kids as a single mom for a large portion of it. I did that damn thing and I have never been more proud of myself! Your girl was


This is my current stage in life and where I pay it forward.

I want to inspire women that are still in my Shine and Sparkle phases and empower them to keep pushing forward. I want to inspire our future generations. I want to make mental illness not so taboo. I want to shine light on the fact that it is ok not to feel ok all the time. I want to live in a world where others embrace this thinking and offer helping hands when there is a someone in need. This is my definition of truly being a QUEEN and this is how we SLAY!

What to Expect From Shine Sparkle Slay

Our goal is to bring you high quality products to meet you where you are today in this journey called life.

Shine Sparkle Slay will have it all. From self care items that will help you with building self love and INSPIRING you to be your most confident self to EMPOWERING you with items that screams fun prints, style and color. Most importantly, Shine Sparkle Slay want you to discover YOU and BE YOU. Life is too short not to do so, my friend.

You can also expect to have the real me in all of the products selected. I am the sole buyer and hand pick everything for Shine Sparkle Slay. I can guarantee you that I am incredibly selective and there are so many things that will not, nor will ever, make the cut. Only the best of the best for my tribe!

In my mission of supporting others, my desire is to purchase from other women entrepreneurs. This means, when you make a purchase from Shine Sparkle Slay, you also are supporting other women fulfill their lifelong dreams and to me that is such a beautiful thing, don't you agree?

Oh, and since you are getting the real me, be forewarned that my vocabulary can be, well…let's say colorful... ha! You're probably going to see this in some of my product selections. It's quite liberating to throw societal norms out the window and just be me. After all, that should be the beauty of being your own business owner, right?

Trade Marking

We did it!!! ShineSparkleSlay is officially trademarked. How cool is that!?